Friday, 21 November 2014

The Happy Place of the Metropol

This is my A5 Metropol which is kept in the kitchen and is the main filo for pretty much just about everything relevant to scraping my way through the days and weeks. If it doesn't get noted or put in here, I will totally forget about it. Guaranteed.

Until recently it was assigned to the kitchen table, but kept having to be moved every time we sat down to munch. The poor thing would get shoved on the other table where inevitably stuff would get dumped on it and before you knew it, it was buried under a pile. Because of this lack of visibility I'd forget to look at it and check what was happening over the next few days as well as not putting new notes in, which therefore would also be promptly forgotten about thus completely contradicting the whole point of having an organiser in the first place.
In a fit of uncharacteristic tidying last week, I made a nice new shiny place for it on one of the worktops where no longer would it suffer the indignity of being cast aside to the oubliette that is the dining/craft table.

So far, this has been an incredible success, other than when I completely failed to take a note of the hairdressing appointments that had been arranged for yesterday. But in all fairness, they had been made before the wonder of the new permanent place. 

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